Good data management is crucial to our everyday lives, whether it is physical documents and pictures, or virtual legal papers and irreplaceable photos. Keeping the aforementioned documents and files safe is vital, and that is where cloud storage comes into play. Cloud storage is a model of networked enterprise storage where data is stored in virtualized pools of storage, which are usually hosted by third parties but can also now be done personally and at home. Hosting companies operate large data centers, and people who require their data to be hosted usually buy or lease storage capacity from them. The safety of the files depends upon the hosting companies, but with personal storage it is slightly safer although there is always a danger of accidentally deleting the files yourself. One advantage to cloud storage is that it provides users with immediate access to a broad range of resources and applications hosted in the infrastructure of another organization from anywhere via a web browser or program. It also allows multiple users at once, making it more convenient for groups to work on or access one or more shared files.

Downsides to the Cloud (Reverse)

There are a number of downsides to cloud storage, one of them being the storage limit imposed on users. In order to lure in customers cloud storage is often offered on a “freemium” basis, as it is “free” for a very small amount of space. One of the largest problems with cloud storage is there is a lack of IT support within the various cloud storage providers. The cloud can be a problem if you do not always have fast, reliable Internet access, especially if you upload and download large files. The NY Times states that “if you need handholding or if you are not comfortable trying to find advice on user forums, the cloud is probably not ideal.

Cloud Storage - See a Need fill a Need (Obselesce)

Cloud storage will remove then need for portable storage devices, as many are being cloud storage friendly. Cloud storage gives many people access to data, which is a huge improvement than later years. Small businesses will be able to expand around the globe and reach larger consumer bases within a matter of days. Breaches in security will vastly decline over the coming years due to the internet based cloud storage which is inaccessible to any unwanted users. I can see in the future that cloud storage will cause a gradual shift from desktops and laptops to mobile devices everywhere.

Cloud Storage - A blast from the past? (Retrieves)

Cloud computing is said to have been invented by Joseph Licklider in the late 1960’s, who was looked at as a pioneer in the domain of computing. Since the 60’s, cloud computing has developed and advanced in a large number of ways. Cloud storage hasn’t started to form until recent years because the Internet just started to offer larger amounts of bandwidth in the 90’s. Society has started using cloud storage in the recent years due to accessibility, safety, and convenience. Amazon played a key role in the development in cloud computing, starting in 2002 when it first launched.

Pros to the Cloud (Enhance)

Cloud Storage is a safe way to save files in a different location using the Internet to send them to a different storage unit. Storing documents and photos has come a long way in terms of accessibility and I think being able to protect valuable data elsewhere is an enormous improvement. It gives users the comfort of knowing their things are safe and cannot be easily lost. Third party companies generally host cloud storage servers but it is still possible to use cloud storage on your own devices at home.